Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Morgan From The New 20s On Grayson's Women from New Twenties on Vimeo.

Sometimes you just get fed up. I think women should learn to comport themselves better and not just give themselves to any man who will have them. I mean, it's nasty and it's UNGODLY! And I can't believe that Grayson would even be attracted to those kinds of LOOSE women. Well, my cookies are MINE and until a man is putting a ring on my finger. I am keeping my legs closed!


Anonymous said...

Can I just say if I have not already said so... I love her! She is too funny. Can we have more of her?!?

Morgan From The New 20s said...

LOL. More of Me! Why sure! Make sure you join my blogspt because I have a lot more to say! I'll be posting a new Video Blog each week!